The impact of the COVID-19 has given birth to a new model of home office work. Especially overseas where the epidemic is repeated, it has become a norm. In September last year, a home office survey conducted by ETR in the United States showed that the proportion of permanent remote work employees is expected to reach 34.4% in 2021. And Microsoft. Companies such as Twitter and Square have also announced that employees can work at home indefinitely. Office furniture has begun to move more and more from office space to home space. Office furniture based on ergonomic chairs has ushered in a blowout.



( The above are our products, AricoPolyButterfly and Filo, Click on the blue font to reach. )

Key home office trends

1. Increased demand for privacy and indoor personalized space:

Working from home means that employees need to open up a beautiful and decent corner for work and video calls, which can make people more immersed in work and show good working style.

2. Pay attention to ergonomics, comfort and fashion

With the rise of the home office trend, many large companies have not only allowed to extend the preparation time for home office in order to prevent employees from being infected, but also provided them with considerable funds to purchase office furniture and set up work sites at home. Here we introduce several chairs, Arico, Poly, Butterfly and Filo, they all were designed by professional ergonomic designers.


3. Easy to clean and regular disinfection:

Because the new coronary pneumonia disinfection is latent in people’s daily life. People tend to eat or drink beverages at work. Long-term home office work makes this situation more common. User-friendly, easy-to-clean, and scratch-free countertops have become the first choice when choosing office furniture.


4. Multifunctional furniture is more sought after

Professionals from different industries have said that if they have to choose to work at home, they will choose office furniture with multi-functional purposes. They want to use office chairs that can be used as rest chairs or recliners during non-working hours, or they can also serve as dining tables. Office chair.


5. One room with multiple uses

After leaving the office environment, everyone found that work efficiency dropped off a cliff. More and more people want to plan a fixed office area at home. Research shows that in addition to the study, people also work in the living room, bedroom, dining room and other places. “One room, multiple uses” has become a common method. A fixed office location can also help you get to work faster.

Post time: Dec-09-2021